Our Services

Seeking Lynnwood speech and language services?

We provide speech and language and social communication services for Lynnwood and all surrounding areas.

Therapy Services:


Individual Therapy

Social Skills Groups


Home and School Visits (when appropriate)

Clinical Specialties and Areas of Practice:

Speech Disorders (Childhood Apraxia, Articulation, Phonology, Motor Speech)

Language (Receptive and Expressive)


Emotional Regulation


Literacy and Reading

Social Thinking

Social Communication

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Speech and Language:

Therapy is typically delivered in a one-on-one setting by our professional clinicians.

Group therapy sessions are also offered at different times of the year to enhance social communication.

Social Skills Groups:

LSA offers ongoing groups to address pragmatic language and social thinking skills.

Children are carefully matched with a peer or group of peers, according to diagnosis, level of language and/or social difficulties, and age, in order to ensure optimal progress.

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