Social Skills Group


Social skills groups are small groups (typically two to six members) led by a speech-language pathologist who teach the clients how to use social thinking and interact appropriately with others. Members are carefully matched with peers by age, social communication skills, and perspective-taking levels. A social group can help kids learn conversational, friendship and problem-solving skills. They can also be useful in teaching kids to control their emotions and understand other people’s perspectives.

Our social skills groups implement teaching materials and ideas from We often use social thinking vocabulary such as the following: body/brain in or out of the group, hidden rules, expected/unexpected behaviors, reading body signals, using your thinking eyes, flexible or stuck thinking, etc.

What are the benefits of social skills groups?

Kids can learn important skills that they’ll use the rest of their lives. This includes learning how to:

  • Greet others
  • Start a conversation
  • Respond to others
  • Maintain a conversation
  • Share and take turns
  • Ask for help
  • Building flexible thinking
  • Compromising
  • Problem-solving
  • Improve body language
  • Increase perspective-taking skills